This mod allows you to select your mood and it displays in all of your posts. It's always the current mood, not your mood of the time of the post. This mood is displayed in your profile and above "posts:" in the message index. Just a little fun feature You can easily add more moods in the "Mod Settings" area, it'll be the second thing down, as well as edit the mood name, filename, and order.
This is version 1.0. 4 things, a mod file and a script to update your database automatically to work with moods, and it allows you to add some basic moods right off (you have the choice if you want to or not.) and the Moods.php file itself.
A upgrade file for upgrading for version 0.95 is included, just upload it to the same dir as Settings.php and run it and delete it. Don't do this if you are installing the moods mod for the first time.
moods.zipThe moods are located in just the normal YaBBImages directory. Upload the php script to your base directory (where Settings.php is) and run it, it will auto connect, select the right database, the right prefix, etc. Just add the first mood(s)
You must add the <yabb mood> tag somewhere in your template for this to work.
Then make sure you upload Moods.php to your Sources dir.
If you've already installed an older version of this, the steps are simple. Uninstall the old mod, install the new one (not the install script.)
Version history
- Fixed another install bug
- Fixed profile mood
- Fixed a few bugs while trying to add/edit moods
- Fixed a display problem
- Added support for other file extensions.
- Fixed a possible install bug
- New "edit moods" function
- Added order change (in edit)
- Added delete (in edit)
- You can add up to 5 moods at a time now
- All bugs should be fixed now
- Actions condensed into Moods.php
- Fixed random order on selection at top
- Sort of a second beta
- Beta release
- Fixed the profile to not show anything about moods if the user hasn't chose one.
- Fixed a small txt error
- Fixed 2 small display errors
- Wrote a script to make the dbmodifications plus pre-add some moods