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YaBB SE Community  |  Development  |  Mod Ideas and Creation  |  Admins being able to look up GUEST-IPs in visitors-bar « previous next »
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Author Topic: Admins being able to look up GUEST-IPs in visitors-bar  (Read 485 times)
Jr. Member
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Admins being able to look up GUEST-IPs in visitors-bar
« on: January 22, 2002, 08:45:44 AM »
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I just thought about this kind of MOD when I noticed another guest on my board. At times I'd really like to know who that is who's visiting my board without registering - if it is a regular visitor at that time or somebody new etc.

That's why I had this idea to make it possible to make guests visible (only for the admin!) in the visitors-online-list by IP-numbers. It could be just IP-numbers showing up among the registered visitors, or the name "guest" (plus a number) that is clickable, so that one gets a profile in which one can see the IP-number of that guest one clicked, plus maybe the provider of the guest.
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