oh boy... can anyone help me please?
I've just upgraded yabbse 1.3.0 to 1.4.0/1.4.1 on another forum board on my domain.
The first time I'd made this upgrade, everything went excellently well, and considering my coding experience is very limited, I was well chuffed to see that I upgraded it okay... first time!
Now I thought this would be too good to be true, so I just upgraded another forum of mine to the lastest edition of this fantasic forum boards that the developement team and vulunteers have put together...

Well done lads & lassies

I click the ADMIN button, I then click "YaBBpak Center"
I'm then presented with this:
Main Menu
[ Browse YaBBpaks ]
[ Create a new YaBBpak ]
[ Download new YaBBpaks ]
[ View Installed YaBBpaks / Uninstall YaBBpaks ]
which also has a rather nice blue smiliey face on it too!

but unable to find out how to get that graphic to be used when making posts, etc... anyways, that's one of my many questions, but I need help understanding what I'm meant to do from here onwards...
Now... from what I gather from the initial post here, I'm to click on [Download new YaBBpaks]
Okay, I click this and I'm presented with this page:
Package servers YaBB.info Avatars [ Browse ] [ Delete ]
YaBB.info Mods [ Browse ] [ Delete ]
YaBB.info Language Packs [ Browse ] [ Delete ]
Matt [ Browse ] [ Delete ]
Chris [ Browse ] [ Delete ]
Add server ----------
Now this is where I'm totally lost...
I click browse, on all of them to see what's behind the pages, I'm presented with quite a few entries of options that one can download...
what started the initial confusion is this:
1. Buttons that work on dark backgrounds -- by UD_UL_DeViL [ Download ]
Description: Fixs the SE button so they work on dark backgrounds
Location of file:
http://www.mattsiegman.com/YaBBSE/Packages/Buttons_that_work_on_dark_backgrounds.mod.yp2. All the images [ Download ]
Description: A package of ALL the images in YaBB SE - release 1
Location of file:
http://www.mattsiegman.com/YaBBSE/Packages/images.mod.yp3. All the YaBB 1 Gold Avatars [ Download ]
Description: A package of the old YaBB 1 Gold avatars
Location of file:
now if I click the download link, it says this:
Package downloaded successfully
Package has been downloaded successfully
but where has it installed it to?
And this link and others alike:
http://www.mattsiegman.com/YaBBSE/Packages/y1gold.as.ypsome come up as a file to download, some just come up with a page that shows all the coding....
where and what do I do next to install all images, avatars, mods, etc...
I've been on this board today for the last 2 or so hours, and I can not find anything that helps me in this sticky moment...
can anyone spare some time to run through some examples that I can try out, which are same process as the rest so I can get them all installed and have a complete updated forum....
Many thanks in advance