I can't find the mod in the Completed Mods board, so here it is.
Open up Subs.php and add this in:
function yyavatar()
global $userpic_width, $userpic_height, $facesurl, $username, $db_prefix;
$grab_avatar = mysql_query("SELECT avatar FROM {$db_prefix}members WHERE memberName='$username'");
while ($avatar = mysql_fetch_array($grab_avatar))
if (stristr($avatar[0],"http://") )
$pic = "<img src=\"$avatar[0]\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
$pic = "<img src=\"$facesurl/$avatar[0]\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
$yyavatar = ($username == 'Guest' ? "<img src=\"$facesurl/blank.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />" : "$pic");
echo $yyavatar;
paste that above code in on the line above this:
function checkSession($type = 'post')
Now, in your template, you can call a tag <yabb avatar> which will show the user browsing their board their own avatar.
You can see an application of this at
http://www.magickalkingdom.com except guests do not see an avatar.
I also used the Online Time mod, and then a tag that I made to show their time with <yabb utime>