This is actually a very simple mod, and may have already been done before. ;)
If it was, sorry. :P
Okay, here are the steps. Open Post.php in your favorite code editor, and then find this line:
if ($board == '' )
After you find that, put the following code 2 lines below it. The parts in
bold are the parts that need to be edited.
// this is where we prevent certain members from posting
// it is simple to do, but the person that isn't allowed to post wont know ;-)
$nopost[ 0 ] = "username";
$nopost_length = count($nopost);
fatal_error("Sorry, but your posting privilages have been suspended. Please contact the administrator of this forum for further details");
After you do that, you can add more members, just copy this line and increment the number
0 by 1.
$nopost[ 0 ] = "username";
Note that you have to copy and paste this line with the new number each tiem you want to block a member. ;-)
Do NOT enter the users display name! You must enter their username in the quotes. Otherwise they will still be allowed to post. Also, I would advise that before taking the following steps, that you take a moment to backup Post.php.
Have fun.
Jeff. :)