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Author Topic: Detecting Logged In Status In Perl  (Read 611 times)
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I'm a llama!

Detecting Logged In Status In Perl
« on: September 08, 2003, 01:47:26 PM »
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YaBB SE Version: 1.5.3
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I was using YaBB Gold and just converted to YaBBSE.  Thanks to an FAQ in other folder here, it was painless.  :D

Everything's working great with the forum but I had a separate little "upload graphics" utility that I wrote in PERL for members to easily upload graphics to their own folder to include in their posts.  Now this doesn't work because the cookie system is different for YaBBSE than YaBB Gold.

This is how I detected whether a member is logged in and if so what their username is:

$YaBBCookieName = "craftsterYaBBusername";

foreach (split(/; /,$ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'}))
   ($cookie,$value) = split(/=/);
   $YaBBcookies{$cookie} = $value;

$USERNAME = $YaBBcookies{$YaBBCookieName} || "PleaseLogin";

if ($USERNAME eq "PleaseLogin")

Can someone help me rewrite this part for YaBBSE?

Thanks so much!
aka The Bear
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Re:Detecting Logged In Status In Perl
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2003, 03:05:41 PM »
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Take a peek at SSI.php, ssi_examples.php and ssi_examples.shtml  :)

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I'm a llama!

Re:Detecting Logged In Status In Perl
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2003, 07:11:58 PM »
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Hmmmmm... Thanks for the quick reponse.  I took a look at the example and I'm not sure how it will help me.

Sorry for being so thick.  I'm kinda self-taught at all this...
Sr. Member
Posts: 342

I'm a llama!

Re:Detecting Logged In Status In Perl
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2003, 07:18:59 PM »
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Take a look at function welcome() ;) If you include that with SSI, if they're logged in (ie, cookie still good) it'll say Hey, *username*, you have X messages, X are new. And if a guest, it'll say Hey, Guest, please Login or Register. These txt's can, of course, be changed to whatever you'd like.


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Posts: 342

I'm a llama!

Re:Detecting Logged In Status In Perl
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2003, 07:27:38 PM »
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Re-reading your question, perhaps this is more specific. In whatever page you have this, just global $username. If they're logged in, $username will have their username. To check if they're logged in, just do if ($username != 'Guest')


Posts: 3

I'm a llama!

Re:Detecting Logged In Status In Perl
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2003, 01:47:04 PM »
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I'm still struggling with this.  I'm probably missing a key piece of knowledge but I think I'll try to explain the issue again and see if anyone has any more tips.

The Perl script I wrote for when I was using YaBBGold does quite a bit:

1. checks to see if the person running the script is logged if; if so reads the cookie to see exactly what the username is; and uses the username as the name of their unique "picture directory"

2. writes out all of the HTML/javascript for a complicated form which allows the user to do the following to the pictures in their "picture directory"

a. click on the name of any picture and see a preview of it and see the URL (which they can copy and paste it into their posting)

b. upload more graphics to their "picture directory"

c. delete any graphics in their "picture directory"

So... I really don't want to have to rewrite this whole thing in PHP since it took me a while to do.  It works in Perl and I think it's pretty secure and I don't have much experience in PHP.

What I really need is just to know is how, in Perl, to figure whether the current user is logged in an if so what their username is.

I took a look at YaBBSE's LoadCookie function and it looks like it reads the cookie data, calls "stripslashes" on it, and then calls "unserialize" on it.  I searched around for Perl equivalents of these two functions and found them and tried to recreate this code in Perl but it doesn't seem to work for me.

I don't know what to try next? ???
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