Been messing around all week trying to save my old board. It all started with an idea to upgrade, not sure what happened in the process, but now I have a bunch of different versions of yabbse, and files and folders on my HD that I been uploading,changing, and trying to get right. If I upgrade my old board, I have cookie problems, If I upload my old backup of version 1.3, It acts buggy. So far I have been able to view and use most options from my old board.......... when going to "post" a new message on any of the boards, I get this error
An Error Has Occurred!
This topic doesn't exist on this board.
This is the closest I have come to saving my old board, I would like to fix it without upgrading, when I do that, I have cokkie problems, and more errors. Is there any way to fix the above error ?
Or, can I move all the old messages and members to my new board I created? I think the old board is somewhere in between a upgrade version and 1.3. I try to get a detailed version check in the admin panal, but when I go to check it, a page comes up "hacking atempt". Would it work if I used my new board, but reffered the database name in options to "yabbse" insead of the new boards database name ?
Thangs guys, I'm just going nuts trying to figure this out.