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Author Topic: [Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1  (Read 7537 times)
Beta Tester
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Mad+Moya WWW
[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« on: January 28, 2003, 03:40:37 AM »
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This is really still in alpha stages, so I'm looking for folks who know how to really back up their systems (sql and files), or want to test this on a non-live test site.

PfaBB is a port of YaPP, with a few new features. It still has the great Pages and Blocks written by Eric and Chris, but I've added a FAQ module, the ability to edit news_template.php and the ability to select any Page as your Home Page.

You can see it in action at Computers4Gaming and register for access to the Alpha test. I only need a few sites at first, and you do need very good backups of your site and your SQL database before you begin. :)

If you're already using YaPP v.6 and YaBB SE v1.41, it's not impossible to upgrade, it's just a bit messy. :)

Thanks, Michele (Mad Moya)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2003, 05:43:11 PM by Mad Moya » Logged

formerly Mad Moya
PfaBB - http://pfabb.lunabyte.com
Beta Tester
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Posts: 584

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Mad+Moya WWW
Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2003, 05:36:24 PM »
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FYI, my site is temporarily down due to hosting problems at their end... it's been down all morning... please bear with me and I'll post when it's back up... sigh. :(

formerly Mad Moya
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Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2003, 05:39:49 PM »
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u're missing a / at the [/url] code, btw :)

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Beta Tester
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Posts: 584

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Mad+Moya WWW
Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2003, 05:43:55 PM »
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No I'm not! :P

Hehe, thx I fixed it...

formerly Mad Moya
PfaBB - http://pfabb.lunabyte.com
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Posts: 308

Hi ho.

Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2003, 02:53:18 AM »
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Clean YaPP install with a fresh DB.

linked because of size.

The dbmod.php did not like when I sliced out the queries 1-45.  I ended up having to do the ones after 45 manually.

Notice the interesting items like the three instances of user test.  The odd almost duplication of the right block....  Where did this go wrong?

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Beta Tester
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Posts: 584

I can't wait for YaBB SE 2!

Mad+Moya WWW
Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2003, 05:11:46 AM »
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The three users named "test" was a bug in YaBB SE which I think they fixed... I may have zipped up the wrong RC version of a file, will have to check my copies and see what happened.

The second right block was most likely one of the queries that you ran... there's an INSERT in there you may have accidentally included, you should have seen a PfaBB block if you'd done a clean install of it (instead of over YaPP).

As to the session error... if you're running PHP under Windows, make sure your session line in php.ini looks like this:

session.save_path = C:\Windows\Temp

With the correct path to your temp dir of course, then restart apache/iis. :)

Since my site (and my online game) were both flaky today, I cleaned up a little code. I think RC40 is coming out today or tomorrow, so I'll add those fixes in and release another zip. I can PM you the location to download it if MySQL is still down on my site. Tech Support at my host actually told me to not reply to their last message, so I fired off a complaint to Customer Service... I've been down 18 hours and counting today... sigh.

As for the BoardIndex.php error... I was going to attach a small zip, but it's disabled, so I tried uploading it to my FTP directory, but of course that isn't working either... hang in there, I'll get it to you asap.

Mad Moya (Michele)

Oh, v1.5.1 of YaBB SE changes the cookie name... try deleting all cookies to that site too.

formerly Mad Moya
PfaBB - http://pfabb.lunabyte.com
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Posts: 308

Hi ho.

Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2003, 05:54:24 AM »
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Well, an update:

Fixing the sessions issue fixed things a little, but it still looks terrible (right blocks floating over the center), it fixed the multiple users problem.  BoardIndex.php doesn't work at all.

If you would like, I can certainly host files for you.  Just PM me if you are interested and I'll tell you where to send them.  I'm not set up for FTP from users - I just haven't made the effort to do so.  But I could be if this becomes a real problem with your host.  I'll PM you an email address that will take *massive* attachments, even if we don't need to send any.

Just tell me what you need.

Awmp, ding, soo googoongee doop, dee
Googoo Fleegoogeegoo
Goo Fleegoogeegoo
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Beta Tester
YaBB God
Posts: 584

I can't wait for YaBB SE 2!

Mad+Moya WWW
Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2003, 06:15:34 AM »
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Sent you two PMs... would have been one, but forgot to include my email address in it! LOL I'll attach the zip to an email to you, it's only 6K.


PS - If you can get to the admin screen, go into Blocks management and delete those two blocks :)
« Last Edit: January 29, 2003, 06:17:04 AM by Mad Moya » Logged

formerly Mad Moya
PfaBB - http://pfabb.lunabyte.com
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Posts: 308

Hi ho.

Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2003, 03:03:13 PM »
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PM responded to.
I can't get into Admin because I can't login without a working BoardIndex.....  Which should not be the case.  Is login taking you to the Forum?  Should take you back to whatever page you clicked the login link on...

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Googoo Fleegoogeegoo
Goo Fleegoogeegoo
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Destroyer Dave
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Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2003, 03:34:02 PM »
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Quote from: mephisto_kur on January 29, 2003, 03:03:13 PMPM responded to.
I can't get into Admin because I can't login without a working BoardIndex.....  Which should not be the case.  Is login taking you to the Forum?  Should take you back to whatever page you clicked the login link on...
That is actually not the case.

What you can do it click login and wait a while, 10 seconds.  Hopefully it has set the login cookie on your computer.  Then just change the action to admin.

Beta Tester
YaBB God
Posts: 584

I can't wait for YaBB SE 2!

Mad+Moya WWW
Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2003, 04:04:02 PM »
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Actually, I don't think there's anything wrong with boardindex, it's just that I sent him the wrong index.php file. Basically the one that hard-coded the start page as ?page=front. Since he had no "page=front," it kinda went boom. :)

Upgrading from YaPP/YaBB 1.4.1 is tricky. When you upgrade to v.1.5.1 and then to PfaBB, one misplaced file and it blows up. Which is why he's an alpha tester and it's not available as an open beta yet. :)

Mephisto, if those files I sent still don't work, try index.php?news=ncat and see if that loads.

formerly Mad Moya
PfaBB - http://pfabb.lunabyte.com
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Posts: 308

Hi ho.

Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2003, 05:16:16 PM »
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The front page has been working fine since I fixed the sessions problem.  I just can't get into the forums.  AT ALL.

QuoteUnknown column 'b.ID_LAST_TOPIC' in 'on clause'
File: d:\httpdocs\pfabb\Sources\BoardIndex.php
Line: 154

Awmp, ding, soo googoongee doop, dee
Googoo Fleegoogeegoo
Goo Fleegoogeegoo
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Beta Tester
YaBB God
Posts: 584

I can't wait for YaBB SE 2!

Mad+Moya WWW
Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2003, 05:39:41 PM »
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Um... found the problem, although I don't have a fix yet... you're missing an INSERT from one of the v1.5.1 upgrades that would have created ID_LAST_TOPIC. It looks like it's in the original RC1 release in the upgrade.php file.

ALTER TABLE {$db_prefix}boards ADD COLUMN ID_LAST_TOPIC int(11) NULL

Replace {$db_prefix} with your own, and insert via phpMyAdmin. I'm not sure if that's the only change you're missing, so it might pop up a new error once that is fixed. :)

Um... you did upgrade to v1.5.1 before you install my PfaBB files, right? :)


formerly Mad Moya
PfaBB - http://pfabb.lunabyte.com
Chris Cromer
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Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2003, 05:55:22 PM »
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I am availble for testing if you want, I can't really help out right now in the coding erea, but I am able to help testing on my local server(Apache 2, MySQL 4.0.9-gamma, and PHP 4.3.0). Anyway, just thought I would offer.

Chris Cromer

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Hi ho.

Re:[Alpha 1.5.1] PfaBB Portal v.1
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2003, 07:33:00 PM »
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QuoteUnknown column 'lb.ID_MEMBER' in 'on clause'
File: d:\httpdocs\pfabb\Sources\BoardIndex.php
Line: 154

Awmp, ding, soo googoongee doop, dee
Googoo Fleegoogeegoo
Goo Fleegoogeegoo
Duht, Deeheeh
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Oogoogagoo oogoogweee
Fleegoogeegoo, fleegow
Go go mah mah mefs sufh yeah...
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