I can get everything to modify by hand but I have one tiny problem with the subs.php when I go to modify it.
My subs php says in the file:
if (!$theTemplate) {
$templateFile = $boarddir."/template.php";
if (!file_exists($templateFile))
$templateFile = $boarddir."/template.html"; $file = fopen($templateFile,"r");
$theTemplate = fread($file,filesize($templateFile));
I tried replacing ( the highlighted in red )with:
$skinname = ($username == 'Guest' || $settings['24'] == '')?$modSettings['default_skin']:$settings['24'];
$templateFile = $boarddir.'/Skins/'.$skinname.'/template.php';
if (!file_exists($templateFile))
$templateFile = $boarddir.'/Skins/'.$skinname.'/template.html';
and I get a sub.php error. Is there away around this problem?
Any help would be appreciated