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Author Topic: Please Read Me! Rules, Hints/Tips, and More  (Read 72780 times)
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Please Read Me! Rules, Hints/Tips, and More
« on: August 13, 2002, 02:17:53 AM »
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I am working on new Guidelines and Hints/Tips on YaBB SE Mods. I hope you guys will like them. I think this will make it easier on everyone. If you have any suggestion please IM me and let me know.


In the following Post(s) you will find:
A) Posting a Mod
B) Installing a Mod
C) Converting YaBB Pack - to/from Boardmod
D) List of Package Servers (PacMan)
E) Where to find help with creation of Mods
F) Etc.

(If I miss anything let me know and I'll add it.)

I will continue to strive and improve this document as time goes along.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2004, 05:47:12 PM by Peter Duggan » Logged

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Posting a Mod you created
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2002, 02:19:04 AM »
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When posting a mod you are in charge of supporting it. I suggest when posting a mod click the setting [ ]Notify of replies. This way when someone posts a problem/suggestion/comments those posts get emailed to you.

  • Step1: Beta status - Downloadable for test
    >>Start the thread subject with [Beta "SE Version#"]
    Note: No mod should be posted without going thru some kind of [Beta] testing. Once you gone thru with [Beta] testing your mod you can move to Step2.
    (Please put inside the tag what version number of YaBB SE you coded with.)
    Example "[Beta 1.4.0]Add More Smilies - SE 1.5"

  • Step2: Done Status - Out of Beta status and has been tested, seems to install and perform without any problems
    >>Modify thread to start with [Done "SE Version#"] instead of [Beta "SE Version#"]
    Do not start a new thread. (We need to keep this board clean.)
    After you gone thru [Beta] testing and happy with the results of your mod, you may move it out of [Beta] status.
    (Please put inside the tag what version number of YaBB SE you coded with.)
    Example: "[Done 1.4.0]Add More Smilies - SE 1.5"

    If the mods you are posting are just codes to "where" to change "what".
  • Code mods: Mod posted with codes for you to manually install
    >>Start the thread subject with [Beta "SE Version#"] or [Done "SE Version"], Then directly after that put [Code][/color]
    (Following the guide lines posted above.)
    Example: "[Done 1.4.0][Code]Add More Smilies - SE 1.5"[/color]

    If you already have mods out please modify your messags to follow the above guidelines.

    After you post your mod, "message me" and I will add it to the Mod listings. Please let me know name of the mod, what version of YaBB SE its coded for and what category you want it listed under. (The same thing applies if you want to move it out of the Beta Category)

« Last Edit: February 15, 2004, 05:48:05 PM by Peter Duggan » Logged

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Installing a Mod
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2002, 02:20:55 AM »
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Warning! Please be careful with MODS they are not supported by YaBB SE, only by the Mod "Makers". They are use at your own risk!

There are three different ways a mod can be installed, depending on how they are made. Please read the instructions completely the Mod Maker has posted about there mods. This usually will help you from installing the mod wrong. If you have a particular problem with a mod. Please post under that "mods" thread. Posting in any other places may cause your message to be moved / deleted by an Admin or Moderator.

[Boardmod SE 2.5.1]
The most popular way mods are made is as a Boardmod file. (Boarmod mods will have the .mod extensions.) This uses a system of <find> and <replace> tags designed to be installed with a program called Boardmod. Boardmod software is designed by Michael Prager and his crew. You can read about Boardmod Mod Software here: "BoardMod FAQ" or you can Download it here: "Download Boardmod SE" Linux and Win32 versions are available. Please read the "instructions" that come with the software on how to use it. When I have time I will make a tutorial on how to use it. Step by Step...

[YaBB PacMan 1.4.1]
YaBB SE has its own built in Mod installer created by YaBB SE developers, called Package Manager (PacMan for short). You can find it in your admin center for your Message Board. It's under the >>Forum Controls >>YaBBpak Center. This use package servers created by users to download and install/uninstall mods. These mods will have .yp extensions. Don't expect to see a lot of mods for PacMan Servers. Most mods are done via Boardmod due to the ease in making boardmod installed mods. You can find a list of YaBBPak Servers in a post below. When I have time I will make a tutorial on how to use it. Step by Step...

[Via Notepad/WordPad or other text editors]
These mods are usually made cause the Mod editor are unfamiliar with how to write a Boardmod/PacMan mod file, or the mod is so easy and short they feel it can be installed easily by hand. *cough* *excuses* (In my opinion all files should made via boardmod or YaBBpak so they can be installed and uninstall with easy. It's not that hard to make them.) This method of installing a mod requires the installer to open up a file usually located in their source directory and manually search and replace codes in the file. This method has a great margin for errors. If you are unfamiliar with YaBB SE coding I recommend avoiding this method, and find someone to convert the mod to a Boardmod/YaBBpak mod for you. (See converting mods post below)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2002, 07:53:51 AM by Nemesis » Logged

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Converting mods - YaBB Pack to/from Boardmod
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2002, 02:21:28 AM »
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(I willl make a tutorial on how to do this soon)

If you see a mod you wanted to convert to a PacMan/Boardmod mod file:
Dataforce(Cynda) has offerd to convert them for you. You can email here a link to the file:
Click here to email Dataforce(Cynda)
or send her an Instant Message here at yabbse.org:
Click here to IM Dataforce(Cynda)
She will not test the package or change it anyways. She will just make it work via the method you want to install it with. Also respect what she is doing, do not rush here. Make sure you thank her for what she is doing also. She not getting paid for this. Please do not message here on problems with the mod you are installing... Read the first paragraph in "installing mods" (above post) on where to post if you are having problems.

If you can help out converting mods also and want me to include your name here in this post. IM me and I'll add you.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2004, 05:49:41 PM by Peter Duggan » Logged

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List of Package Servers (PacMan)
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2002, 02:22:15 AM »
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List of Package Servers (PacMan)

Here are a list of some Package Servers:
http://www.yabbse.org/packages/as Avatars
http://www.yabbse.org/packages/mod Mods
http://www.yabbse.org/packages/lp Language Packs
http://www.mattsiegman.com/YaBBSE/Packages Matts Package Server
http://www.agigames.com/boardmod/Packages Chris Cromer Package Server
http://www.alphavideo.com/forum/packages Silverdragon package Server
http://membres.lycos.fr/legendofmir/Packages Dataforce(Cynda) Package Server

If you have a package server and want it listed here IM me and I'll add it
You may find alot of the "current" released mods, are not on there. It's cause they were made for Boardmod SE 2.5 *Sorry* (See above topic about having them converted)

If you see a Package Server not working, IM me and I will see about getting it back to work, if not I will remove the link from the list.

If you want someone to host your PacMan Mod file (.yp) contact one of the above PacMan server host to see if they will host it for you.

Anyone can host a package server, the more the marrier. That's what pacman is for.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2004, 05:51:33 PM by Peter Duggan » Logged

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Help with creation of Mods
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2002, 02:22:55 AM »
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Help with creation of Mods

(in the works)

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