This isn't actually that hard to do.
First, you add a column to the memebrs table.
ALTER TABLE {$db_prefix}memebrs
ADD points mediumint(
unsigned NOT NULL default '0';
Then, whenever they post... you increment their points in the same query as you incremement the post count.
$request = mysql_query("
UPDATE {$db_prefix}members
SET posts = posts + 1, points = points + $modSettings[pointsPerPost]
$doLimitOne") or database_error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
Then, in the profile, just make if's like this:
if ($memsettings['points'] > xx || $memsettings['memberGroup'] == 'Administrator')
And so on. Other things could be done like this.
You could also do monthly, etc, payments by way of a function call in index.php and new settings variable.
if ($modSettings['pointsLastUpdate'] < time() - 24 * 3600)
include_once($sourcedir . '/Points.php');
And making a simple itemshop is as easy as making the structure for it and designing and interface.
Then you just show the items and points in the Display.php output...