Spaceman..What I did is I took the disableOutputCompression file out of it's folder and dropped to straight into the yabbse folder, ran the board and the error message is still there. Sorry I'm so lame with this, this is my first board so my learning curve is still a bit steep.
I did go to my host who has this tutorial up on YaBBSE, It's below this message.
It is really throwing me as it mentions files that do not seem to be with the download.
They are the converer. Php and the archive.ya files. I called them on the phone and they could not provide any assist as the tutorial is complimentary to their customers.
I asked them how it could be complimentary when would it doesn't seem to apply.
Anyway, if you could take a look and see if there is anything there that is messing me up I would apprciate it as well as any thought into what I might be doing wrong with the disableOutputCompression file.
I'm wondering what would happen if I re-intalled with the disableOutputCompression file already in place rather than adding it to it afterwards?
Mike H.
The following is a brief description for installing the forum software YaBBSE:
Note: Be sure to have your hostname, MySQL database name, username, and password.
The installation instructions that come with YabbSE state that they assume that you're not totally clueless. However, not everyone can figure out how to get PHP scripts working on PowWeb, so I am going to assume you're totally clueless.
Create a folder in your htdocs directory. For this example, we will call it forum. Chmod it to 755 using your favourite FTP client (right click on the folder and choose CHMOD(unix) or Permissions or Atrributes. This will allow you to change the permissions).
Upload install.php, converter.php in ASCII mode and archive.ya in binary mode. Chmod install.php and converter.php to 755.
Call the file in your browser, where is your domain. You should see a screen that says:
It appears that safe mode has been disabled. You may continue. Click on the link to continue.
Install to directory:
You'll have to change the path on this screen. It will probably say something like:
where username is your username and x is the first letter of your username (refer to your setup letter from PowWeb if you don't know this path). Because we called the folder forum_folder then you'll have to change the path to read:
You can choose to check the box to overwrite newer files, but if this is your first install it doesn't really matter.
Click Start Installation >>
Installation starts now...
The installer will now write all the files. You shouldn't have a problem here if you followed these instructions properly.
Click Proceed >
MySql settings
MySQL server name: This will be or, etc. If you don't know, then refer to your OPS, which will show you your MySql setup letter.
MySQL username: Enter the username for your database.
MySQL password: Enter the password for the username you entered above.
MySQL Database name: Enter the name of your database.
MySQL Database prefix: You can change this if you want. You don't need to. I changed mine to forums_
Click Proceed >
Inserting Packages
This screen will show you the results of inserting all the packages. It should say No Errors for everything.
Click Proceed >
Board URL: Change this to Images URL: Change this to Faces URL: Change this to Click Proceed >
The next screen should say Settings.php was modified successfully so click Proceed >
Administrators account
Enter the username, password and email address for the administrators account for your board. Click Proceed >
IMPORTANT - This step is very important. Delete install.php from your forum directory.
Go to and have fun with your board!