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Posts: 407
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Re:[Beta] Memberlist PLus
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2002, 04:14:25 PM » |
That little bug could be what I mentioned in the release, where it sometimes don't display YIM or AIM icons, and sometimes displays them when the user don't have them. I don't really know why it's doing that either, as they are called from the sql select string. I hope one of these other devs will be able to look at this and recommend changes. I added additonal information to the memberlist after publishing the showip in profile code. Just like showip in profile, only the administrator will see the IP. Users will not see anything. If anyone is interested in showing IP in the memberlist also, the changes to this script are the following:
* note you must have installed advanced memberlist for this feature to work *
[ edit memberlist.php ]
[ * Optional, Do not use if you dont IP Title Displayed * ] [Search for ]
<td class="catbg" bgcolor="$color[catbg]"><b><font size=2></font><center>MSN</center></b></td> <td class="catbg" bgcolor="$color[catbg]"><b><font size=2></font></b></td> <td class="catbg" bgcolor="$color[catbg]"><b><font size=2>Yahoo</font></b></td>
[ Replace with ]
<td class="catbg" bgcolor="$color[catbg]"><b><font size=2></font><center>MSN</center></b></td> <td class="catbg" bgcolor="$color[catbg]"><b><font size=2>IP</font></b></td> <td class="catbg" bgcolor="$color[catbg]"><b><font size=2>Yahoo</font></b></td>
[ * End Optional * ]
[ Search for ]
$request = mysql_query("SELECT memberName,realName,gender,personalText,YIM,karmaGood,AIM,location,websiteTitle,MSN,websiteUrl,posts,memberGroup,ICQ,emailAddress,hideEmail FROM {$db_prefix}members WHERE 1 LIMIT $start,$MembersPerPage");
[ Replace with ]
$request = mysql_query("SELECT memberName,realName,gender,personalText,YIM,karmaGood,AIM,location,websiteTitle,MSN,memberIP,websiteUrl,posts,memberGroup,ICQ,emailAddress,hideEmail FROM {$db_prefix}members WHERE 1 LIMIT $start,$MembersPerPage");
[Search For]
$online =''; $msn = $row['MSN'];
if (strlen($row['MSN'])>1) { if(isset ($row['MSN'])) {$sendIM = "<a href=javascript:MsgrApp.LaunchAddContactUI(\"".$msn."\")> $txt[online9]</a>";} } else {$sendIM = "";}
[ Add After ]
$memberIP = $row['memberIP'];
[ Search For ]
<td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color[windowbg2]" align="center"><font size=2>$sendIM</font></td> <td class="windowbg" bgcolor="$color[windowbg]"><font size=2></font></td>
[ Replace with ]
<td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color[windowbg2]" align="center"><font size=2>$sendIM</font></td> EOT;
// Updated if ($settings[7] != "Administrator") { print <<<EOT <td class="windowbg" bgcolor="$color[windowbg]"><font size=2></font></td> EOT; } else { print <<<EOT <td class="windowbg2" bgcolor="$color[windowbg2]" align="center"><font size=2><a href="http://www.nic.com/cgi-bin/whois.cgi?query=$memberIP" target="_blank">$memberIP</font></td> EOT; } // END Update
print <<<EOT
[ End of Edit ]