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Author Topic: Can't Edit Profiles!  (Read 426 times)
Can't Edit Profiles!
« on: January 07, 2002, 04:04:31 AM »
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Everything about YaBBSE is great, and I love the fact that we finally have a YaBB for PHP! However, I am experiencing a slight problem (bug?). No one using my forums seems to be able to edit thier profile! When you click the "profile" button, everything shows up fine. When you click "Submit" after changing things, you are taken back to the main screen. Also, the address bar lists the action as "profile2". However, nothing has changed! I can go in there and manually access the database and change profiles, but you cannot do it from the profile screen (I have tried doing it as admin and having members change there own). If anyone knows a solution to this it would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
[email protected]

P.S.- If you want to check this out for yourself, feel free to create an account and try on my board - it's at http://www.need-a-nerd.barrysworld.net/yabb .
Jeff Lewis
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Posts: 10149

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Re:Can't Edit Profiles!
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2002, 12:29:18 PM »
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It either has to do with the preg_ commands or an apostrophe in one of the fields.  Both are fixed in the maintenance release due out shortly.

In the preg problem, the first argument needs to have a / at the beginning and end of it inside the quotes.

For apostrophes, systems not set up with magic quotes on by default need to escape the string.

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