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Author Topic: I hope this helps! Installing Yabbse on IIS5/Win2k  (Read 52303 times)
Posts: 1

I'm a llama!

I hope this helps! Installing Yabbse on IIS5/Win2k
« on: May 07, 2003, 03:37:40 AM »
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I've notated how to install yabbse with windows 2000 IIS5. Please note that this is an overview; i don't have step-by-step, click-by-click, but it's pretty close!

why did i do this?
I really like this program!!
I hope this helps...
Please let me know if i missed anything...

--[INSTRUCTIONS START HERE]--------------------------------
1. Install MySQL.  (You can accept all the defaults)
2. Add the MySQL directories to the PATH environmental variable (c:\MySQL;c:\MySQL\bin)
3. From a DOS prompt, install it as an NT Service:

c:\MySQL\bin\mysqld-nt --install

NOTE: make sure you install the service from the directory, as the service will not start correctly (it won't point to the correct path for the executable)

4. Install the MySQL Control Center
5. From the MySQL Control Center, change the password on the root account
6. Install PHP (NOTE: do not use the installer, d/l and use the .zip version)
           a. Create a directory (c:\PHP). copy the extracted files to this directory
           b. Add the following environmental variables in the PATH statement:
           c. Copy C:\PHP\php4ts.dll to c:\winnt\system32
           d. rename php.ini-recommended to php.ini and copy to C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32
           e. Install the extensions and ISAPI filter in IIS:
                 I. ISAPI Filter:
                             filtername: PHP
                             Executable: C:\PHP\sapi\php4isapi.dll
                 II. Under HOME DIRECTORY, click on CONFIGURATION:
                             .php = C:\PHP\sapi\php4isapi.dll
                           .phtml = C:\PHP\sapi\php4isapi.dll
                           .php3 = C:\PHP\sapi\php4isapi.dll
                 RESTART IIS
           f. PHP.INI settings to change:
                 I. EXTENSION_DIR: C:\PHP\extensions
                 II. SENDMAIL_FROM: [email protected]
                 III. MYSQL.DEFAULT_HOST: localhost
                 IV. MYSQL.DEFAULT_PORT: 3306
                 V. MYSQL.DEFAULT_USER: root
                 VI. SESSION.SAVE_PATH: C:\inetpub\tmp (must create the "tmp" folder)
                 VIII. MAX_EXECUTION_TIME: (to increase the time to upload files, so it won't timeout)
                 IX. UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE: maximum size of file uploads
                 X. SMTP: (email server address)
                 XI. EXTENSION=PHP_GD2.DLL (to enable GD2 support[required for install])
                 XII. GLOBAL_VARIABLES = TRUE

7. Test using the phpinfo.php file
8. Create C:\inetpub\yabbse; extract and copy contents of yabbse to C:\inetpub\yabbse
9. Create IIS site pointing to C:\inetpub\yabbse
10. Run install script:
             a. install to c:\inetpub\yabbse
             b. MySQL servername: localhost
             c. MySQL username: root
             d. password: (root user password)
             e. MySQL database name: (whatever you want it to be; i used yabbse)
               f. Database prefix: make "blank" (default is: yabbse_)
             g. Board URL: http://servername.domain.com
11. Delete the 3 files of install (install.php, readme.html, ysel51.ya)
12. Create YaBBHelp and YaBBImage virtual directories
13. In IIS Admin, make the default document of the root index.php
14. In IIS Admin, make the default document on the YaBBHelp virtual directory as index.html
15. OPTIONAL: make the server SSL (note: you'll have to change the directory names (insert 'https:' instead of 'http')).

NOTE: you should make the server secure before install.

Jr. Member
Posts: 92

BoardMod's FAQ Writer

ICQ - 111713080evilwizard@hotmail.com
Re:I hope this helps! Installing Yabbse on IIS5/Win2k
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2003, 08:53:03 PM »
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I find that step 2 and 3 are usually done by the MySQL installer.

Yes, yes. I'm from that cold country up in the north alright, where the glaciers attack you because they want to get in and get warm too. And it isn't Canada, Russia or Finland.

And NO, I'm not here to do support. I'm here to spy for the commies ;D
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