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YaBB SE Community  |  Development  |  Mod Ideas and Creation  |  Im box windows « previous next »
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Author Topic: Im box windows  (Read 1626 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 97

I'm a llama!

Im box windows
« on: November 17, 2003, 03:32:57 PM »
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i would like know if will be possible do this ( sorry my english )

i will lik have, when users receive IM, one other windows that informa about this new message and in same time u can read and answer back this message tin this another windows, while the main page of forum will not change.

i saw one type of this method in Vbulletin forum and is very intersting mods if somebody can do ti and i know that with such great members there all witll be possible.
And believe me will be great working receive notification of IM, answer and read IM in another windows that will be open when one IM is sent.

sorry for english but i hope you can understand me

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