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Author Topic: How to Begin with yabb? and errors  (Read 386 times)
Posts: 5

I'm a llama!

How to Begin with yabb? and errors
« on: May 12, 2003, 12:45:39 AM »
Reply with quote

i already installed yabbse, i when i enter to my site that is http://bastard.webcindario.com/yabbse/index.php
i see that it function... but when i try for example to login or to register i received a 404 error... i checked the settings and the url that give that error is this one
$boardurl = ""
and that url appear in every link of the board... so what do i do??
this is my data..
host: bastard.webcindario.com
username: bastard
url: http://bastard.webcindario.com/yabbse
.... in the yabbse directory is all the information of the board with the default names
web: http://www.miarroba.com
Posts: 5

I'm a llama!

Re:How to Begin with yabb? and errors
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2003, 12:48:44 AM »
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this are my settings, probably they are no well configured so you can help me...

/* Settings.php                                                              */
/* YaBB: Yet another Bulletin Board                                          */
/* Open-Source Project started by Zef Hemel ([email protected])                 */
/* Software Version: YaBB SE                                                 */
/* ========================================================================= */
/* Software Distributed by:    http://www.yabbse.org                         */
/* Support, News, Updates at:  http://www.yabbse.org/community               */
/*                             http://www.yabbforum.com/community            */
/* ========================================================================= */
/* Copyright (c) 2001-2002 The YaBB SE Development Team                      */
/* Software by: The YaBB SE Development Team                                 */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it   */
/* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the     */
/* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your    */
/* option) any later version.                                                */
/*                                                                           */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but       */
/* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                */
/* Public License for more details.                                          */
/*                                                                           */
/* The GNU GPL can be found in gpl.txt in this directory                     */

########## Board Info ##########
# Note: these settings must be properly changed for YaBB to work

$maintenance = 1;            # Set to 1 to enable Maintenance mode
$mtitle = "Maintenance Mode";                  # Subject for display
$mmessage = "Ok faithful SE users...we're attempting to restore an older backup of the database...news will be posted once we're back!";               # Message Description for display

$guestaccess = 0;            # Set to 0 to disallow guests from doing anything but login or register

$yyForceIIS = 1;               # Set to 1 if you encounter errors while running on an MS IIS server
$yyblankpageIIS = 1;         # Set to 1 if you encounter blank pages after posting (usually on MS IIS servers)

$language = "english.lng";               # Change to language pack you want to use
$mbname = "Foro Bastardo";                  # The name of your YaBB forum
$boardurl = "http://bastard.webcindario.com/yabbse";               # URL of your board's folder (without trailing '/')

$Cookie_Length = 60;            # Cookies will expire after XX minutes of person logging in (they will be logged out after)
$cookiename = "YaBBSE151";            # Name of the cookie

$RegAgree = 1;               # Set to 1 to display the registration agreement when registering
$emailpassword = 1;            # 0 - instant registration. 1 - password emailed to new members
$emailnewpass = 0;            # Set to 1 to email a new password to members if they change their email address
$emailwelcome = 1;            # Set to 1 to email a welcome message to users even when you have mail password turned off

$mailprog = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";               # Location of your sendmail program
$smtp_server = "webcindario.com";            # SMTP-Server
$webmaster_email = "[email protected]";         # Your e-mail address.
$mailtype = 0;               # 0 - sendmail, 1 - SMTP

########## Database Info ##########
$db_name = "yse151";
$db_user = "bastard";
$db_passwd = "*********";
$db_server = "http://www.miarroba.com";
$db_prefix = "yabbse_";

########## Directories/Files ##########

# Note: directories other than $imagesdir do not have to be changed unless you move things

$boarddir = "/home/webcindario/bastard/yabbse";       # The absolute path to the board's folder (usually can be left as '.')

$sourcedir = "/home/webcindario/bastard/yabbse/Sources"; # Directory with YaBB source files

$facesdir = "/home/webcindario/bastard/yabbse/YaBBImages/avatars";     # Absolute Path to your avatars folder

$facesurl = "http://bastard.webcindario.com/yabbse/YaBBImages/avatars";         # URL to your avatars folder

$imagesdir = "http://bastard.webcindario.com/yabbse/YaBBImages";         # URL to your images directory

$ubbcjspath = "http://bastard.webcindario.com/yabbse/ubbc.js";    # Web path to your 'ubbc.js' REQUIRED for post/modify to work properly!

$faderpath = "http://bastard.webcindario.com/yabbsefader.js";     # Web path to your 'fader.js'

$helpfile = "http://bastard.webcindario.com/yabbse/YaBBHelp/index.html";  # Location of your help file

########## Colors ##########
# Note: equivalent to colors in CSS tag of template.html, so set to same colors preferrably
# for browsers without CSS compatibility and for some items that don't use the CSS tag

$color['titlebg'] = "#6E94B7";      # Background color of the 'title-bar'
$color['titletext'] = "#FFFFFF";   # Color of text in the 'title-bar' (above each 'window')
$color['windowbg'] = "#AFC6DB";      # Background color for messages/forms etc.
$color['windowbg2'] = "#F8F8F8";   # Background color for messages/forms etc.
$color['windowbg3'] = "#6394BD";   # Color of horizontal rules in posts
$color['catbg'] = "#DEE7EF";         # Background color for category (at Board Index)
$color['bordercolor'] = "#6394BD";   # Table Border color for some tables
$color['fadertext']  = "#000000";   # Color of text in the NewsFader ("The Latest News" color)
$color['fadertext2']  = "#000000";   # Color of text in the NewsFader (news color)

« Last Edit: May 12, 2003, 08:14:15 PM by punknart » Logged
Mod Team
YaBB God
Posts: 993

Cookie Monster

Re:How to Begin with yabb? and errors
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2003, 12:50:40 AM »
Reply with quote

Please don't post your DB password, people could do some nasty stuff to your site with that.

Also this doesn't look right:
$db_server = "http://www.miarroba.com";

Are you sure that is your DB servers address?
« Last Edit: May 12, 2003, 12:52:46 AM by Gobalopper » Logged
Posts: 5

I'm a llama!

Re:How to Begin with yabb? and errors
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2003, 12:51:50 AM »
Reply with quote

########## Layout ##########

$MenuType = 0;               # 1 for text menu or anything else for images menu
$curposlinks = 1;            # 1 for links in navigation on current page, or 0 for text without link
$profilebutton = 1;            # 1 to show view profile button under post, or 0 for blank
$timeformatstring = "%B %d, %Y, %I:%M:%S %p";      # Select your preferred output Format of Time and Date
$allow_hide_email = 1;         # Allow users to hide their email from public. Set 0 to disable
$showlatestmember = 1;         # Set to 1 to display "Welcome Newest Member" on the Board Index
$shownewsfader = 0;            # 1 to allow or 0 to disallow NewsFader javascript on the Board Index
                              # If 0, you'll have no news at all unless you put <yabb news> tag
                              # back into template.html!!!
$Show_RecentBar = 0;            # Set to 1 to display the Recent Posts bar on Board Index
$Show_MemberBar = 1;            # Set to 1 to display the Members List table row on Board Index
$showmarkread = 1;            # Set to 1 to display and enable the mark as read buttons
$showmodify = 1;               # Set to 1 to display "Last modified: Realname - Date" under each message
$ShowBDescrip = 1;            # Set to 1 to display board descriptions on the topic (message) index for each board
$showuserpic = 1;            # Set to 1 to display each member's picture in the message view (by the ICQ.. etc.)
$showusertext = 1;            # Set to 1 to display each member's personal text in the message view (by the ICQ.. etc.)
$showgenderimage = 0;         # Set to 1 to display each member's gender in the message view (by the ICQ.. etc.)
$showyabbcbutt = 1;            # Set to 1 to display the yabbc buttons on Posting and IM Send Pages

########## Feature Settings ##########

$enable_ubbc = 1;            # Set to 1 if you want to enable UBBC (Uniform Bulletin Board Code)
$enable_news = 1;            # Set to 1 to turn news on, or 0 to set news off
$allowpics = 1;               # set to 1 to allow members to choose avatars in their profile
$enable_guestposting = 0;      # Set to 0 if do not allow 1 is allow.
$enable_notification = 1;      # Allow e-mail notification
$autolinkurls = 1;            # Set to 1 to turn URLs into links, or 0 for no auto-linking.

$timeoffset = 0;               # Time Offset (so if your server is EST, this would be set to -1 for CST)
$TopAmmount = 15;               # No. of top posters to display on the top members list
$MembersPerPage = 30;         # No. of members to display per page of Members List - All
$maxdisplay = 20;               # Maximum of topics to display
$maxmessagedisplay = 15;      # Maximum of messages to display
$MaxMessLen = 10000;               # Maximum Allowed Characters in a Posts
$MaxSigLen = 300;               # Maximum Allowed Characters in Signatures
$ClickLogTime = 60;            # Time in minutes to log every click to your forum (longer time means larger log file size)
$max_log_days_old = 21;         # If an entry in the user's log is older than ... days remove it
                              # Set to 0 if you want it disabled
$fadertime = 5000;               # Length in seconds to display each item in the news fader
$timeout = 5;                  # Minimum time between 2 postings from the same IP

########## Membergroups ##########

$JrPostNum = 50;                  # Number of Posts required to show person as 'junior' membergroup
$FullPostNum = 100;               # Number of Posts required to show person as 'full' membergroup
$SrPostNum = 250;                  # Number of Posts required to show person as 'senior' membergroup
$GodPostNum = 500;               # Number of Posts required to show person as 'god' membergroup

########## MemberPic Settings ##########

$userpic_width = 0;            # Set pixel size to which the selfselected userpics are resized, 0 disables this limit
$userpic_height = 0;         # Set pixel size to which the selfselected userpics are resized, 0 disables this limit
$userpic_limits = "Please note that your image has to be <b>gif</b> or <b>jpg</b> and that it will be resized!";         # Text To Describe The Limits

ALSO I ALREADY HAD A PROBLEM THAT WEB I PUT THE URL. http://bastard.webcindario.com/yabbse/index.php to see the forum..... i receive this message:

Warning: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server in /home/webcindario/bastard/yabbse/index.php on line 50

Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server in /home/webcindario/bastard/yabbse/index.php on line 50
Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

Beta Tester
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Posts: 584

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Mad+Moya WWW
Re:How to Begin with yabb? and errors
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2003, 02:43:33 AM »
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Please go back to your original message, click on Modify, and remove the database info from that message!

You're hosting the site on your home computer, but the database is hosted remotely? That usually won't work, as hosts often prevent remote access to the MySQL database.

HTH, Michele

formerly Mad Moya
PfaBB - http://pfabb.lunabyte.com
Posts: 5

I'm a llama!

Re:How to Begin with yabb? and errors
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2003, 08:16:46 PM »
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Mod Team
YaBB God
Posts: 3689

My $txt[228]

Re:How to Begin with yabb? and errors
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2003, 09:23:00 PM »
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you need to put the correct boardurl, (localhost) isn't the right url
you'll also need to put the correct mysql info, ask your host if you don't know that
were you installing using the safe mode or normal package?
did you use the installer (install.php)?

what Michelle means is to remove the mysql info from your posts above, because it could be DANGEROUS to post your mysql account and password to the public >_<

   My mods, ysePak, codes, tutorials
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Posts: 5

I'm a llama!

Re:How to Begin with yabb? and errors
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2003, 08:05:47 PM »
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yeah i used install.php     what about it?
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