In the "swedish section" here I have been writing about a problem of mine. I have created an account (free) at
http://medlem.spray.se/carinaost/yabbse/index.phpIt was easy to set up the YaBB-forum (I´m using ver 1.4.1 - safe mode) but I do experience some difficulties with it.
When you try to register a new member you get the following information:
2: Cannot add header information - headers already sent
(/data/members/free/tripod/se/c/a/r/carinaost/htdocs/yabbse/Sources/Subs.php ln 1157)
If you then go back to YaBB the new member is there, but you get this annoying message!
Also, after posting, you are redirected to
I´ve been reading here and I can see that some of you people have the same problem - at lycos. But I don´t find the fix for these problems that one person here gave a link to. Anyone knows where to find a fix?
/Carina - Sweden