This won't appeal to many of you. is a big gaming community covering:
Quake II
Quake III
Tribes 2
Return To Castle Wolfenstein
Medal Of Honor
Ghost Recon
Jedi Knight 2
Soldier of Fortune SOF 2
Battlefield 1942
Unreal Tournament 2003
Raven Shield
My website is (amonst other things) a clan site for Return To Castle Wolfenstein. My clan is taking part in the Clanbase ladder tournaments.
I've converted the Clanbase javascripts to php and added some neat features to them.
I have a page in our forum that will show our current rank on the ladders, our upcoming matches, and previous history. Clicking a clan refreshes the page with the statistics for that clan.
Using yabbc [time] tags from a mod posted elsewhere in this forum, (thanks whoever did that ;-) ) the upcoming matches table will display the time and date of matches in each members time zone.
If you have a clan that plays any of the above games you might be interested in
If so, check out the mod I have made for our yabbse forum to show the clanbase stats: me know if you are interested and I'll package up the code so you can install it on your forum. Everything you need is contained inside a new clanbase.php file, and obviously you can customise the display as much as you like.