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Author Topic: [Beta 1.41] Clanbase / Quake Stats Page  (Read 10888 times)
Posts: 34

No ordinary superhero!

[Beta 1.41] Clanbase / Quake Stats Page
« on: January 07, 2003, 07:06:44 PM »
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This won't appeal to many of you.

http://www.clanbase.com is a big gaming community covering:

Quake II
Quake III
Tribes 2
Return To Castle Wolfenstein
Medal Of Honor
Ghost Recon
Jedi Knight 2
Soldier of Fortune SOF 2
Battlefield 1942
Unreal Tournament 2003
Raven Shield

My website is (amonst other things) a clan site for Return To Castle Wolfenstein. My clan is taking part in the Clanbase ladder tournaments.

I've converted the Clanbase javascripts to php and added some neat features to them.

I have a page in our forum that will show our current rank on the ladders, our upcoming matches, and previous history. Clicking a clan refreshes the page with the statistics for that clan.

Using yabbc [time] tags from a mod posted elsewhere in this forum, (thanks whoever did that ;-) ) the upcoming matches table will display the time and date of matches in each members time zone.

If you have a clan that plays any of the above games you might be interested in clanbase.com.

If so, check out the mod I have made for our yabbse forum to show the clanbase stats:


Let me know if you are interested and I'll package up the code so you can install it on your forum. Everything you need is contained inside a new clanbase.php file, and obviously you can customise the display as much as you like.


http://wolfensteinresource.com for all your Wolfenstein needs!
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Posts: 104

I'm no longer a llama, I'm a Monkey

Re:[Beta 1.41] Clanbase / Quake Stats Page
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2003, 03:16:24 PM »
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Cool. I was planning on doing the same thing # www.clan-rfi.com . I'd like this mod :D

Webby @ RFI
Formerly known as PtPazuzu
Posts: 34

No ordinary superhero!

Re:[Beta 1.41] Clanbase / Quake Stats Page
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2003, 02:25:01 PM »
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I would attach the clanbase.php file if I could but the attachment option is missing on the reply page of the yabbse forum.

I'll have to upload the file somewhere on my site so you can download it.

Will post back tomorrow when it's all set up.

http://wolfensteinresource.com for all your Wolfenstein needs!
Posts: 34

No ordinary superhero!

Re:[Beta 1.41] Clanbase / Quake Stats Page
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2003, 09:30:28 PM »
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I've uploaded the clanbase.php that I used to generate my clanbase page to another part of the site so you can download it:

Click here to get Clanbase.zip

Open the Clanbase.zip and extract the Clanbase.php file your Sources dir and edit the first few lines with the clanbase clanid for your clan, and the ladder id's of the ladders that you play in.

Then edit you forum/index.php.

Search for

   else if ($action == 'clean_log') { include_once "$sourcedir/Admin.php"; clean_log();  }
Add after

   else if ($action == 'clanbase') { include_once "$sourcedir/Clanbase.php"; ShowClanbase(); }
I then used a link on one particular topic and a link on a separate html page to [my.website.com]/forum/index.php?action=clanbase so users could access the stats, although you might want to add a link in your template, or add an icon in your yabbse menu bar, up to you!

Remember that in order for the times of upcoming matches to be displayed in each members time zone you will also need the time tag mod elsewhere in the yabbse forum.

Enjoy.  ;D
« Last Edit: January 15, 2003, 08:11:01 AM by bananaman » Logged

http://wolfensteinresource.com for all your Wolfenstein needs!
Posts: 34

No ordinary superhero!

Re:[Beta 1.41] Clanbase / Quake Stats Page
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2003, 09:36:27 PM »
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Oooh - found the time tag topic:


Pretty straightforward mod, and definitely one you should get.

http://wolfensteinresource.com for all your Wolfenstein needs!
Full Member
Posts: 104

I'm no longer a llama, I'm a Monkey

Re:[Beta 1.41] Clanbase / Quake Stats Page
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2003, 03:12:52 AM »
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Can't dload the PHP file (the file is parsed before sending it to me ;)) Could you mail it to [email protected] or rename it to .txt plz ;)

Webby @ RFI
Formerly known as PtPazuzu
Posts: 34

No ordinary superhero!

Re:[Beta 1.41] Clanbase / Quake Stats Page
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2003, 08:12:53 AM »
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 :-[ Whoops. Sorry Zulu. I've now put the Clanbase.php inside a zip to also compress its file size.  ;)

Click here to get Clanbase.zip

Open the Clanbase.zip and extract the Clanbase.php file your Sources dir.

Let me know if you have any probs.


http://wolfensteinresource.com for all your Wolfenstein needs!
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Posts: 170

RED, WHITE & BLUE - enUFF saiD!!

Re:[Beta 1.41] Clanbase / Quake Stats Page
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2003, 07:12:58 AM »
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This is something I can use for my www.fookshetup.com gaming site!

But how do I get it to show my group stats and not your website stats?

Or better yet how do we get this to run off our site and not that site?

I see there are a shetload of php files missing..
and a lot of us would really rather use this on our site
and not depend on another site for stats and such.

We dont take gaming so serious but it would be nice.
I must commend you on this indeed!

« Last Edit: January 18, 2003, 04:34:09 PM by CrimSon_ReD » Logged

Posts: 34

No ordinary superhero!

Re:[Beta 1.41] Clanbase / Quake Stats Page
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2003, 12:03:13 PM »
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Quote from: CrimSon_ReD on January 18, 2003, 07:12:58 AMThis is something I can use for my www.fookshetup.com gaming site!

But how do I get it to show my group stats and not your website stats?

OK. This mod shows stats from the Clanbase ladders at clanbase.com. Clanbase is a competition website where clans and teams from around the world can challenge each other and compete to be the number one team in the clanbase ladders. This mod shows the stats for clans that play in the clanbase ladders. Clans that are not registered and do not play in the clanbase ladders will obviously not be shown.

You need to know the clanbase clanid number of the initial clan you want to show as default. You also need to know the ladder id numbers of the clanbase ladders you want displayed.

Edit Clanbase.php and search for:

$myclan="TWR <font size=2>(Team Wolfenstein Resource)</font>";

Change these values to the default clanbase cid number and the clan name you want displayed when the clanbase page is first shown.

Then search for:


Change the values of two clanbase ladders you want to be displayed.

481 = Wolfenstein 5x5
594 = Wolfenstein 3x3
687 = Battlefield 1942 Conquest
560 = Medal of Honor AA Objective
...etc. etc.

Quote from: CrimSon_ReD on January 18, 2003, 07:12:58 AMOr better yet how do we get this to run off our site and not that site?

I see there are a shetload of php files missing..
and a lot of us would really rather use this on our site
and not depend on another site for stats and such.

We dont take gaming so serious but it would be nice.
I must commend you on this indeed!

I'm not sure what you mean by this. The clanbase stats are obtained from the clanbase website, modified, and displayed on your own website.

There are no php files 'missing'. All you need to do is add Clanbase.php to your yabbse forum/Source directory. I'm assuming you have yabbse!

Please post back with more detail on your problem. Thanks.  ;D

http://wolfensteinresource.com for all your Wolfenstein needs!
Full Member
Posts: 170

RED, WHITE & BLUE - enUFF saiD!!

Re:[Beta 1.41] Clanbase / Quake Stats Page
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2003, 04:39:25 PM »
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Hmmm thanx for the reply but I was trying to achieve somewhat of the same thing but without having no ties
with clanbase.

Meaning since my people dont play on the clanbase site there
was no reason to support them.
I am sure they are a great site never the less.

So therefore I merely did a search for a good clan php script,
and implemented that within my site with our own personal
stats and details running solely through our domain without
using clanbase or thier script.

So hopefully when all is complete we can then run ladders
from our site kinda like our own personal clanbase type setup.
minus the interaction with that domian.

Posts: 34

No ordinary superhero!

Re:[Beta 1.41] Clanbase / Quake Stats Page
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2003, 05:28:09 PM »
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You want a clan database for clans to register on your site, and competition ladder tables so they can compete against each other? Good luck, that's a lot of work!

Clanbase already have 1000's of clans and organised competition ladders, which is why my clan registered with them and take part in their competition matches.

I've just made a mod to display the stats from clanbase on my website.

Looks like you have a lot more work to do! Best luck!  ;D

http://wolfensteinresource.com for all your Wolfenstein needs!
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