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YaBB SE Community  |  Development  |  Converters  |  Converted Users Not Associated with their posts after conversion « previous next »
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Author Topic: Converted Users Not Associated with their posts after conversion  (Read 2669 times)
Posts: 25

I'm NOT a llama!

Re:Converted Users Not Associated with their posts after conversion
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2002, 07:11:06 PM »
Reply with quote

OK I fixed everything manually (edited about 800 records manually) and it all works now.

Yabb SE doesn't have the same problem, right? (The database should be good from here on in?)

Also ... anyone know when the next version of Yabb is going to be released? I want to make some mods to the code but don't want to waste my time if the next version is going to come out the day after I finish  ;)

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