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YaBB SE Community  |  Development  |  Converters  |  Converter error/problem (Yabb Gold SP1 1 to Yabb se) « previous next »
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Author Topic: Converter error/problem (Yabb Gold SP1 1 to Yabb se)  (Read 1317 times)
Posts: 4

What are we gonna do today, Brain?

ICQ - 10090596Sanguinarius@hotmail.com WWW
Converter error/problem (Yabb Gold SP1 1 to Yabb se)
« on: May 14, 2002, 10:45:46 PM »
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I'm trying to convert my existing Yabb 1 Gold SP1 to YaBB SE using the converter.  Everything was going fine until I got to step 3 (converter.php?step=3), which gives me the following:

QuoteYaBB 1 Gold to YaBB SE Converter
Converting Settings...

Purging the database as per request...
yabbse_instant_messages purged
yabbse_members purged
yabbse_categories purged
yabbse_boards purged
yabbse_topics purged
yabbse_messages purged
yabbse_membergroups purged

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/sites/site18/web/forums/converter.php on line 260
Error editing table (yabbse_settings). Unable to set agreement=You agree, through your use of this YaBB forum, th

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/sites/site18/web/forums/converter.php on line 260
Error editing table (yabbse_settings). Unable to set news=Welcome to the new Vampiric Co

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/sites/site18/web/forums/converter.php on line 260
Error editing table (yabbse_settings). Unable to set maxdays=60

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/sites/site18/web/forums/converter.php on line 281
Error editing table (yabbse_reserved_names). Unable to set matchword=1

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/sites/site18/web/forums/converter.php on line 281
Error editing table (yabbse_reserved_names). Unable to set matchcase=0

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/sites/site18/web/forums/converter.php on line 281
Error editing table (yabbse_reserved_names). Unable to set matchuser=1

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/sites/site18/web/forums/converter.php on line 281
Error editing table (yabbse_reserved_names). Unable to set matchname=1
Editing table (yabbse_reserved_names). Inserting reserved word (yabb)
Editing table (yabbse_reserved_names). Inserting reserved word (YaBBadmin)
Editing table (yabbse_reserved_names). Inserting reserved word (administrator)
Editing table (yabbse_reserved_names). Inserting reserved word (y1g)
Editing table (yabbse_reserved_names). Inserting reserved word (xnull)
Editing table (yabbse_reserved_names). Inserting reserved word (yabbgold)
Editing table (yabbse_reserved_names). Inserting reserved word (yabb1gold)
Editing table (yabbse_reserved_names). Inserting reserved word (Sangi)
Editing table (yabbse_reserved_names). Inserting reserved word (SangiVamp)
Error editing table (yabbse_membergroups). Unable to insert Global Moderator


            (Only proceed if successful!)  

I don't know what's the matter, or what to do.  I tried going into my YaBB Gold directory and chmodding the sources, members, etc. dirs and files all to 777 but it still gave me that stuff.

Please help/advise/suggest?


"Leave me alone, -- but don't leave me TOO alone." -- Me.

Posts: 1

I'm a llama!

Re:Converter error/problem (Yabb Gold SP1 1 to Yabb se)
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2002, 02:28:40 PM »
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I have the exact same problem   :-\
help please...?
Posts: 24

Hi from the UK!

Re:Converter error/problem (Yabb Gold SP1 1 to Yabb se)
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2002, 10:24:51 AM »
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You have a problem with your SQL database.

You either haven't set one up at all, or you have not supplied the converter program with the correct dB name/pass.

Also make sure you have uploaded yse130.sql into your YaBB SE directory on your server.


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