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YaBB SE Community  |  English User Help  |  English Help  |  Several Problems (profile change, links in messages, etc) « previous next »
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Author Topic: Several Problems (profile change, links in messages, etc)  (Read 398 times)
Several Problems (profile change, links in messages, etc)
« on: January 06, 2002, 10:43:34 AM »
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Several problems noted

1. When I go into my profile and change my password and save I am then tossed off the board and forced to log in again.

2. All of my links with posts are no longer active.  That is to say, you can  not click on any of them any more.  While testing I noticed that only when using YABBC url tags do links work as expected now.

3. All of the images at the bottom of the board (vhtml.gif, mysql.gif, php.gif, and vcss.gif are src=http://www.yabb.info/community/YaBBImages/*.gif.  Why do this when I have the images in my own yabbimages directory?  Also there is a url reference to yabb.info as well for a catbg.gif.  What is this about?  The default template needs some tweaking here!

4. My netscape users are complaining that once they log in and the front end loads netscape chokes.  I have advised that they delete their cookie files and cache but they are having the same problem.

5. When sending mail to all users the email message had all quote and double-quote characters backslashed.  Not sure why it is behaving this way.  Using sendmail as MTA
Re:Several Problems (profile change, links in messages, etc)
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2002, 10:56:37 PM »
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Quote1. When I go into my profile and change my password and save I am then tossed off the board and forced to log in again.

This is so that the script can update your cookies.

Quote2. All of my links with posts are no longer active.  That is to say, you can  not click on any of them any more.  While testing I noticed that only when using YABBC url tags do links work as expected now.

You must of turned off the Auto-link URLs in the Forum Preferences and Settings.

Quote3. All of the images at the bottom of the board (vhtml.gif, mysql.gif, php.gif, and vcss.gif are src=http://www.yabb.info/community/YaBBImages/*.gif.  Why do this when I have the images in my own yabbimages directory?  Also there is a url reference to yabb.info as well for a catbg.gif.  What is this about?  The default template needs some tweaking here!

crap happens.  ;)  Theres a Update Pack comming out soon.

Quote4. My netscape users are complaining that once they log in and the front end loads netscape chokes.  I have advised that they delete their cookie files and cache but they are having the same problem.

What can we do? Netscape sucks. (Maybe they should upgrade unless there already running 6.x)

Quote5. When sending mail to all users the email message had all quote and double-quote characters backslashed.  Not sure why it is behaving this way.  Using sendmail as MTA

Just some more itty bitty bugs. (Upgrade Pack  ;) )
Re:Several Problems (profile change, links in messages, etc)
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2002, 06:00:34 PM »
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Thanks for the sense of humor.

I do have the auto-link urls turned on.  It works for anything new but when I converted a yabb gold board to yabbse all of the links stopped being active and became normal text.

When I converted I chose to NOT convert my forum settings so I could go in and do the job manually.  Perhaps this is what messed up my links.

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