I've a frame menu on my site, one single frame on the left (
no need to discuss pro and cons of frames, I've my reasons for using that type of nav
After quite a bit of fussing around I managed to create a template exactly like my other pages and set the menu to call up the yabbse board within the main frame. Table width (of the board) is set the same as for all pages, meaning 90%.
However, while every other page (including a variety of other script-generated tables and forms) behaves nicely and creates only a vertical scroll bar, yabbse insists on giving me two, one on the right and one horizontally below. The table is resizing properly, I see absolutely no reason why this should happen.
When I resize the yabbse as a stand-alone page outside the frameset it resizes *without* a horizontal scroll bar.
So why does it do that within it? Any ideas? I've been going over my code with a fine comb and I don't get it!