Number one I think this whole project rocks - one of the nicest - cleanest easy to work on or modify forums anywhere!!
Second - I thru a little multi search engine add-on in mine and it fits nice and easy install takes seconds>
How often you been on a board and seen something you want to check out further with google or your favorite engine. Means you have to to go google or another open a new window search etc !!
This puts it on your board with no wasted space.
Check it out on my board - PLEASE realize site is work in progress and I haven't finished the boards as I am just to heavy into code at the moment!!
http://www.u-1.ca/u1forum/index.phpanyways the code is :
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function validate() {
if (stv=='') {
alert('A word or phrase to search for must be placed in the empty box. Please try again.');
<form method="get" action="" name="searchform" id="searchform" onsubmit="javascript:return false;">
<TABLE width="90%" align="center" border="0" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" bgColor="#AFC6DB">
<TD width="91%" height="40" valign="middle" align="center"><B><FONT face=Arial size="2">Search
With </font></B>
<select style="width:120px;" id="selEngine">
<option value="
http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q= ">Google</option>
<option value="
http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?ei=UTF-8&p= ">Yahoo</option>
<option value="
http://search.excite.com/search.gw?c=web&search= ">Excite</option>
<option value="
http://www.altavista.com/web/results?kgs=1&kls=1&avkw=xytx&q= ">Altavista</option>
<option value="
http://search.lycos.com/default.asp?lpv=1&loc=searchbox&query= ">Lycos</option>
<option value="
http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search= ">DMOZ</option>
<option value="
http://dpxml.webcrawler.com/_1_22PHUCZ03BI3C8L__info.wbcrwl/dog/results?otmpl=dog/webresults.htm&qkw= ">Web
<option value="
http://www.hotbot.com/default.asp?prov=Inktomi&ps=&loc=searchbox&tab=web&query= ">Hotbot</option>
<B><FONT face=Arial size=2> For</FONT></B>
<input type="text" style="width:300px;" id="txtCriterium" name="txtCriterium" >
<input type="button" value="Go" onclick="javascript:validate();if(this.form.txtCriterium.value.length<1){return false;} for(var i=0;i<this.form.selEngine.options.length;i++){if(this.form.selEngine.options
.selected){void(window.open(this.form.selEngine.options.value+this.form.txtCriterium.value,'_blank'))}};" >
Just throw it in anywhere you want set the table height
and color for your look - really a no brainer!!
Again Thanks to the developers of this Board.