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Author Topic: All Email's Not working!!  (Read 2651 times)
Posts: 30

UH-60 Blackhawk Pilot

Re:All Email's Not working!!
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2003, 03:40:04 PM »
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I just went to your board and registered.  Yes.. my guess was correct.  I did receive your email confirming registration, but that is only becuase my server does not reject incoming emails without a "return address".  The email I received from your server did not have one... as all of mine do not.  Please... someone... help us solve this bug!

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ICQ - 179721867unknownbrackets@hotmail.com WWW
Re:All Email's Not working!!
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2003, 09:47:53 PM »
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He is not having the same problem as you are.  To fix your problem, please use the search button - I've posted a new copy of sendmail() which should fix it.

Otherwise, please look in your support thread.  Please do not hijack other users' support threads.

Posts: 30

UH-60 Blackhawk Pilot

Re:All Email's Not working!!
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2003, 04:25:15 AM »
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Hijack another users support thread??

You must have MISREAD. I regiesterd at this users board.  HE IS HAVING THE SAME PROBELEM.  It may not be all of his problems.. but this is certainly one of 'em.  If you are so sure that this is not his problem.. then what is the advice to fix his problem?  I was under (the obviously mistaken impression) that the supprot threads were to help everyone.  
« Last Edit: September 06, 2003, 02:26:15 PM by theoscarspot.com » Logged

Global Moderator
YaBB God
Posts: 7830

ICQ - 179721867unknownbrackets@hotmail.com WWW
Re:All Email's Not working!!
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2003, 07:09:43 PM »
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theocarspot.com, please listen to me for a second.

Here is your problem:
Remote host said: 550 Body From: is missing or empty

This means that the From header is not being parsed properly.  There could be several reasons for this.

However, Pattaya City News' main problem seems to be authentication.  Besides that, the host also noted that it may be emailing from the wrong domain.

Nowhere in this thread has it been reported that the From header is not being sent.  While this *could* cause the same problem, it is not - simply because the From header is being sent, and there are other reasons why this could be.  (for example, the webmaster email might be set incorrectly.)

Reporting your problem in another peron's support thread only serves to make them worry.  I know enough about YaBB SE to tell you that the two of you are experiencing different problems, and that yours may have to do with the type of mail server you use.  (but as yet I do not know enough to diagnose yours.)

If a member of the support team finds the two to be linked, they can post a link to that thread.  It, however, makes support very annoying and difficult if we have to discuss the same problems in more than one thread.  Especially when you make someone who *isn't* having that poblem think they do. (which will make them follow our advice for you which may not be helpful for them in some cases.)

Remember that none of us get any money for this.  From all my work on YaBB SE I've gotten $100 and a book.  Which is more than some support people here have gotten... and I've spent hours upon hours on this.
In my real life, I can make anywhere from $35 to $60 an hour... and that's only because I'm still 18.  But I do this because I want to contribute.

Don't be so quick to judge.

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