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YaBB SE Community  |  English User Help  |  English Help  |  automatic emailing of all members with each posting? « previous next »
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Author Topic: automatic emailing of all members with each posting?  (Read 394 times)
Posts: 23

I'm a llama with serious attitude...

automatic emailing of all members with each posting?
« on: May 13, 2003, 12:11:58 AM »
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I just set up a YABB, and it is way slick. Congratulations to all those involved.

I even managed to get PHP working with Apache 2, which was a necessary first step.

I have a question conerning notifications - is there any way that YABB can be set up so that each registered user can decide if s/he wants an email notification for EVERY posting that is made? For certain 'super-user' types, this is a nice feature, since they want to see every posting - and want to be emailed whenever any new question is posted, or if there is a reply to any old posting.

While most of YABB is fairly intuitive, I find some of the notification stuff to be somewhat less-than-clear.

Posts: 23

I'm a llama with serious attitude...

Re:automatic emailing of all members with each posting?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2003, 01:17:59 AM »
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Looks like there is a 'mod' called Notify Plus which (based on the description) seems to do the trick.

I'm a little reticent about mucking around with mods just yet (I tired reading the BoardMod docs and ran away... :-), so I'm waiting (hoping) to see if there is a more 'generic' way to do this.

Again, all I want is an option that each user can set in his/her profile which causes all postings (and not just to announcements) to be emailed to them (or not, depending on their preference).
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